Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Luis wins Marley Mood Pro Junior

Sometimes when you dont prepare for things, its when they go best.

Luis got the confirmation for a Pro Junior event inEngland, around 5 days before. So flights booked, accommodation, airport pick up, new boards ordered and he was on his way.

Arriving in Bristol, after leaving Lisbon with around 35 degrees and being greeted with 17 degrees and rain was....well I would say expected for England.

The contests was held at Fistral beach and started on Friday afternoon. Waves we re not too great and it was windy which made thing hard for everyone to be in position.

It went well anyway and Luis finished the day with a pass to the semi finals.

Saturday was a different story as waves were much better and clean and a pretty nice size.

The semi final could have easily been a final but Luis made it through that one and claimed his spot in the final.

He was not happy with how he had been surfing the whole weekend, despite always winning his heats and getting good scores so, I think the anger paid off and he went out fighting with full gloves and punch bag in his final heat. Scores just over 16.00 points combined and leaving the rest in combination.

Sometimes, its good to be angry :)

Anyway the final result was great and Luis took the title !
Another great event, thanks to everyone that made it possible. A short trip for Luis but worth every minute he was there.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Keshia's May surfing :)

Here is a video of Keshia surfing during last month :)

Some great waves and water coverage, thanks to Rui Jorge Oliveira !

Thanks everyone and to watch, just click on the link below.

May video

Monday, June 11, 2012

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Esperancas in Aveiro

Feels like " deja vu "

Only last week we were driving past Aveiro after the Nationals in Porto and 4 days later, here we are again.

Aveiro is a great place, has amazing waves, beaches and food :)
It is actually in the running for the 7 wonders of the ocean here in Portugal, where you can vote for the 7 best beaches in Portugal. It has super clean long beaches with sand that feels like flour ( actually not something I really like cause it gets everywhere ) but still feels amazing.

The contest this time was just for Keshia and Klaus as it is for Under 18's only.

Friday was the first day with both Keshia and Klaus entering the water. Waves were pretty small but still fun size.

Keshia won her first heat of the girls comfortably and moved to the next round.

Klaus was also in and got through his first heat without any  problems and same in the next one. The semis for Klaus were slightly different, snapping his leash with 5 minutes to go, he needed a 3.90 to advance, scored a 3.75 and had no time to come in and get a new one to try and increase his score.
Still a good show from Klaus :)

Keshia was also in on Saturday as she enters in the Boys Under 18's.

First heat ( 6 men in the water...well in this case 5 men and 1 girl ) was pretty easy and Keshia got 2nd and moved to the next round.
She then had the last heat of the day with again 5 guys with her.

The portuguese National Under 16's champion and runner up in the Under 18's was in the same heat as Keshia.
The waves were big and hard to get in position but that did not bother Keshia and she paddled harder than most boys, getting 2nd place and leaving his needing 5.56 go move up :)

She got a big cheer from everyone on the beach, representing girl power hahaha ;)

Sunday was the final day and only Keshia was surfing.

The semis were pretty easy with Keshia having a combined score of 11.50. Waver were big adn powerful so it suited her style of surfing perfectly.

Finals were held, for once, in the best tides and conditions for the girls.
With 25 minutes heat, Keshia made sure she dominated from the started scoring a 5.50 in her first wave and building scores form then on.
After 10 minutes, she had the rest of the girls needing a combination and the heat was pretty much over with a combined total score of 14.00 ( a 6.5 and a 7.5 )

A great weekend for both Kehsia and Klaus. Rakings are not updated yet but we know for sure Kehsia is leading the Under 18's girls and giving the Under 18's boys a good run for their money.

Will update rankings as soon as they are out.

Thanks to everyone once again :)

A break from National events now for the summer, next one will be Royan in France to kick off the Pro Junior Season :)